Being in a position of financial difficulty is a major cause of stress, especially when tough decisions like ‘heat or eat’ become necessary.

We will explore ways in which organisations can support those hit by the current economic situation. The right actions can prevent debt from spiralling, retain customers and improve the chances of the organisation getting paid.

Building a deeper understanding of the causes and impact of debt, this course covers financial decision-making, unregulated lending and scams. It provides valuable training for Banks, Payday Lenders, Credit Card Companies, Debt Collection Agencies, Utility and Telecommunications companies, Housing Associations and Insurance Providers.

Delegates will have the opportunity to reflect, share good practices and participate in course activities and case study discussions.

Who should attend.

  • Customer-facing staff
  • Claims handlers
  • Complaints handlers
  • Payment and arrears handlers
  • Vulnerability Champions and leads
  • Customer Service Team Leaders

Benefits to your organisation.

Investing in vulnerable customer training for staff not only aligns with ethical, legal and regulatory principles but also contributes to the overall success, reputation, and sustainability of the organisation in the long run.

  • Trained staff can communicate empathetically and constructively with customers in debt, fostering positive relationships and maintaining trust
  • Supportive interactions during financial difficulties can help retain customers who might otherwise consider switching to competitors
  • Handling debt-related issues with sensitivity contributes to a positive brand image, protecting reputation and minimising negative publicity
  • Providing timely and proactive support to customers in debt demonstrates compliance with debt collection regulations and ethical standards, reducing legal risks

Learning outcomes.

  • Understand financial challenges and how they impact customer behaviours and needs, including decision making
  • Know how to respond to customers who disclose debt and other financial issues
  • Identify a range of practical steps to support customers facing financial challenges
  • Understand the importance of signposting
At a glance.

This 1/2-day training course explores the causes pushing more people into financial difficulty and the impact it has on their emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.

prices from £1,100 + VAT

Request more info Call 01296 596 958

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