The Financial Conduct Authority acknowledge Resilience as a driver of vulnerability. Their definition of resilience in this context is a low ability to withstand financial and/or emotional shocks.

However, resilience is so much more than this.

Covering the causes and impacts of low resilience, this course explores the support and resources that build resilience and empower customers. It is specifically relevant to Banks, Insurance Companies, Investment Firms, Regulatory Bodies, Consumer Credit Organisations and Legal Firms.

Delegates will have the opportunity to reflect, share good practices and participate in course activities and case study discussions.

Benefits to your organisation.

Investing in vulnerable customer training for staff not only aligns with ethical, legal and regulatory principles, but also contributes to the overall success, reputation, and sustainability of the organisation in the long run.

  • Trained staff can navigate difficult conversations and reduce customer frustration by offering appropriate solutions and support
  • Training enhances employees’ ability to empathise with customers, creating a more compassionate and understanding customer service culture
  • Training reduces the risk of mishandling interactions with customers, minimising potential negative consequences and maintaining a positive organisational image
  • Timely and proactive support reduces the likelihood of customer complaints and escalations
  • Staff can guide customers to relevant support services and resources that can further help them build resilience and cope with challenges

Learning outcomes.

  • Understand the FCA resilience driver
  • Recognise a range of situations that lower resilience and how this impacts customers
  • Know how to support a customer experiencing low resilience emotionally and practically
  • Understand the importance of signposting
At a glance.

This 1/2-day course will equip delegates with practical strategies tailored to build trust, foster a supportive environment, and empower customers to build their resilience.

Who should attend?

  • Customer-facing staff
  • Claims handlers
  • Complaints handlers
  • Vulnerability Champions and leads
  • Customer Service Team Leaders
Request more information Call 01296 596 958

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