No organisation can meet all of a customer’s needs, however, this signposting resource can be used to help customers access appropriate support.

My signposting resource categorises organisations that can be contacted when customers disclose a specific situation or personal circumstance. This can be in addition to internal support services or when specialist help is required.

The document also includes:

  • Signposting Tips
  • Resources that customers can access
  • Items used to identify a hidden disability
  • Space for adding local sources of support

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Embedding good practice into your organisation doesn’t have to be a headache.

Our downloadable resources are designed and developed as practical tools to support you and your team in the fair treatment of your vulnerable customers.

Our resources include strategic documents to support compliance and training activities to build awareness of vulnerable circumstances. These offer a valuable point of reference during communications with vulnerable customers and support consistency in customer service.

Embedding good practice into your organisation doesn’t have to be a headache. Our downloadable resources are designed and developed as practical tools to support you and your team in the fair treatment of your vulnerable customers.

Our resources include strategic documents to support compliance and training activities to build awareness of vulnerable circumstances. These offer a valuable point of reference during communications with vulnerable customers and support consistency in customer service.

At a glance.

No organisation can meet all of a customer’s needs, however, this signposting resource can be used to help customers access appropriate support.

My signposting resource categorises organisations that can be contacted when customers disclose a specific situation or personal circumstance. This can be in addition to internal support services or when specialist help is required.

The document also includes:

  • Signposting Tips
  • Resources that customers can access
  • Items used to identify a hidden disability
  • Space for adding local sources of support

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