How to Encourage Disclosures of Vulnerability

I recently took part in a discussion where concern was raised by a firm because they hadn’t reached the target of 47% of customers disclosing vulnerable circumstances. This raised concerns...

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Understanding Why Customers Leave

How many customers has your business lost in the last 6 months? You may not consider this an important metric to measure and you are not alone. Yet, understanding why...

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How to Evidence Consumer Duty Outcomes

Consumer Duty regulations are outcomes-based. They require firms to identify the cause of poor customer outcomes and take action to put things right. The challenge comes in how to monitor...

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Are Your Internal Data Sharing Processes Working?

One of the recommended strategies for improving vulnerable customer service is cross-sector data sharing. This is where two or more organisations collaborate to better identify and serve customers facing difficult...

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Responding to Suicidal Conversations with Compassion & Care

Having difficult and serious conversations about suicide can be upsetting for all concerned, and put simply, our response can make a difference between life and death. A confident, compassionate and...

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Vulnerable Customers and the Complaints Process

Every business will face customers who wish to express their dissatisfaction with the services provided. For this reason, it is important to establish an effective complaints process. However, I’ve seen...

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Creating a Vulnerable Customer Persona

Consumer Duty requires companies to consider inclusivity in every decision. The FCA wants us to plan products, services and processes with the perspective of our customers in mind. Especially important...

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The Vulnerable Customer Journey

When was the last time you reviewed your customer journeys to monitor the experience? It’s a process we’ve been working on as part of our website update. The challenge is...

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Glad Tidings We Bring

The festive season is a time of hope and giving, so let’s enter into the spirit of Christmas in this article. Although this has been a challenging year for many,...

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Unbanked & Financially Vulnerable

It may seem impossible to live in modern society without a bank account, however, research from the Financial Conduct Authority suggests that around 1.1 million UK adults are ‘unbanked’. Why...

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Which Customers Are Most Vulnerable to Scams?

Providing a positive customer experience is a focus for most businesses, but sometimes the damage to your reputation comes from external sources. Fake websites mimicking legitimate organisations are one of...

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Collaboration to Reduce the Risk of Suicide

In January 2023, the Government announced that a cross-party Suicide Prevention Strategy would be published this year. Encompassing the NHS, schools, transport services, prisons and the media, with advice from...

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Inclusive Holiday Season

August is a peak time for holidays, whether it’s a day trip to the beach or flying off to an exotic destination. These adventures provide a chance to reconnect with...

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Do You Communicate Effectively?

We speak, listen, question and write every day and, with the right techniques, these skills can deepen personal and professional relationships. So, how do we ensure that our communication skills...

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Exploring the Value of Compassion

One of the underpinning messages that I promote is the importance of compassion. We never know the full extent of what is going on in people’s lives and how this...

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Be Aware of Economic Abuse

In April, the Government published two documents that aim to address the issue of economic abuse. With this issue in the spotlight, I wanted to explore this form of financial...

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How Does Stress Affect Customer Service?

April is stress awareness month, so I want to bring your attention to the impact that stress has on customer service. Financial, economic, social and work pressures make us all...

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How Can We Encourage Digital Engagement?

Digital skills have become an essential requirement for negotiating modern life. We are increasingly directed to book, apply, communicate, bank, shop, learn and work online. This brings many advantages, however,...

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Improved Services for Vulnerable Customers

In this article, I want to champion some of the fantastic solutions that organisations have developed to improve services for Vulnerable Customers. Benefits Calculator Changing circumstances and cost of living...

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Respectful Words

Words are essential to communication. They can unite and empower or divide and discriminate. The words we choose can make our message meaningful or meaningless. In this article, I explore...

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World Braille Day

4th January is World Braille Day, and it commemorates the birth of Louis Braille. As a lover of history, avidly discovering the when and why of our past, I felt...

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